
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Simon and Jude . Our Ancestry Dot Com

Deut 32:1-4; Ps 19:1-6; Jude 1-3,17-25; Luke 6:12-16  These are reading for the Feast of the Apostles Simon and Jude which is also on October 28.

I rather think the rationale for this festival, so close to All Saints Day, is that we actually know little or nothing about these two apostles
or indeed most of the Saints
We can paint together a whole lot of things from tradition
but we don't know a lot of it to be actually true
Simon may have been the groom at the wedding in Cana
he may have been a political enthusiast
or what was called a Zealot.
Or it may just be that Cana, where the wedding happened, and where he came from
happens to mean "enthusiasm" or "zeal"
Perhaps we know a little bit more about Jude, because there is a single letter under that name in the Scriptures
He is called the brother of James...but which James we don't know
and it seems unlikely that it was James the brother or cousin of Jesus
as surely then he would have been referred to as the brother of Jesus.

Life of course is like this
and this might remind us
that we are part of communities and that we get talked about
and over time
the stories get foggy.
But it is a very important part of what being a saint is all about
The Apostles' Creed says we believe in the Communion of Saints
It's an idea that says we are not just privately religious or spiritual
but that our story is interwoven
with the life of others
and we should pay attention to that.

  • Could we this week pray for another member of the Communion of Saints and explore how our life connects with theirs
The Apostles also remind us that we are people who are called
They were called by Jesus to be sent (that's what the word apostle means)
St Paul's idea is that each of us who is baptised
is called by God and gifted by the Holy Spirit
to be ministers of Jesus.
We are called to be and are
The Body of Christ
Christ's real presence to the world?

  • Could we this week be the Body of Christ, the presence of Jesus. What might that look like?  Are we called to be sent to talk about Jesus?
  • Am I an agent of healing, a minister of forgiveness?

Jude reminds us that this is what this Community we belong to does. It is Christ.
Like a good coach or boss, or parent or friend
he reminds us that we should take care of ourselves
and do what we are called to do
Build up your most holy faith!
What might that look like for me this week....what should I do
Read, pray, acts of charity....try to love and forgive properly

Holiness is not only something God is doing in us
but also something we need to work with
to protect, guard, and nourish

  • Could I this week do one thing that is going to draw me closer to God?

So so the saints are calling us to remember three important dimensions of our Christian life

  • Community
  • Call
  • Holiness
Not to just be passive recipients in a sort of hit and miss Gospel
but actively cultivating my membership

  • One person to reach out to
  • One call to put into action
  • One thing to draw closer to God


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