On a scale of one to ten ...how holy are you?
If celebrating All Saints Day either on 30th October, or 6 November readings can be taken from Sirach/Ecclesiaticus 44:1-15; Rev 7:9-17;Matthew 5:1-12
We are privileged in our parish to have a Church dedicated under the title of All Hallows Though it is often mispronounced - All Hollows I sometimes wonder if people think we are shallow or empty but we are not And people often make the mistake that All Hallows means "All Ghosts" or "All Spirits" because of the connection with Halloween (why would you so dedicate a church?) the word Hallows actually means Saints. (and the 31 October-Halloween connection is because it is the Eve of All Saints Day -Nov 1 ie Hallows Evening...but I digress) Now Anglicans love All Saints Day (November 1) and I think it is one of the series of Saints Days which is a reminder of what it is like to be God's person. Because that's what Saint or Hallowed means In the early days of the Church (eg when the New Testament was written) that's what Christians where called Saints...or Hagioi which is Greek for you guessed it Hallows!!! All the baptised are Hallowed (made holy) by God. Set apart not to be separate from the world but commissioned to bring people back to God. We are not always good at this but that's probably not the point As I think about Frances, and Maureen, about Rob and Cathy, about Jenni and Bill, about Kath and Cath, and Peter and David, Elizabeth and Wendy Judy and Ailsa....you get the picture there are a number of us and quite a few who went before...Hilda and Doris, Norm, Cec and Rex and Luke, Jean and Rene, Bill and Esme....too many to mention, many of whom I have never met personally. At times we must have pleased God with our faithfulness and at times tried God's patience At all times we have been loved by God and some times we have been able to show that love to other people. It is our absolute joy to be under the title of the Apostle of Love St John and the title of All Hallows.
May Jesus' name be praised in all we seek to be and do. Alleluia!
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