
Monday, September 26, 2011

True responsibility

Readings for the 16th Sunday after Pentecost (proper 20) 27th Sunday of the Year. Oct 9 2011, Ex 20:1-20*; Psalm 19; Philippians 3:4-14; Matt 21:33-46

We have today a triptych of readings 
about our relationship with God 
and how we are to respond to the call of God on our lives. 

The Ten Commandments are an essential statement of universal values 
which are widely, some would even say universally, accepted. They could be seen as a legal code, I suppose, 
but in reality the spirit of the Hebrew Scriptures 
contained in the prophets sees them more as a distillation 
of a way communities might live together 
and some of the fundamental principles 
like the sanctity of life, 
the respect for property, 
the importance of truth and integrity in relationships 
Preceding all that is the key idea 
that we are worshippers of the one true God, 
the God who is (for want of a better word) jealous 
and who will brook no rival.  

The Gospel story is about 
recognising that there is a responsibility 
for those who are in this relationship. 
The responsibility is not to be legalistic 
but to participate in a dynamic and active way 
in the life of the kingdom 
The condemnation that Jesus holds out in this parable is 
for those who make the mistake 
of thinking and acting 
that this relationship is legalism 
or for those who take the privilege of the covenant 
without any responsibility. 
It is a sombre warning 
for those of us who religiously inclined. 
God will try and try again 
to draw us into relationship 
but if we simply ignore that invitation 
or prefer legalism 
then eventually we will be excluded. 
Not because God is damning us  
But because we remove ourselves 
from the generosity of God's grace. 

Relationship with Jesus 
Paul's wonderful dissertation in Philippians 
which also continues today, 
reminds us that we can have perfect credentials 
our ancestry impeccable 
but all this is rubbish 
by comparison with what is being offered in Christ. 
A relationship in God. 
It is this that will motivate.  
It is taking responsibility 
to have a vital life in Christ 
and not apportioning blame 
or creating an elite 
which will see us drawn into the kingdom.  

This week
  • Is there one thing that may be standing in your way to being more faithful in Christ?
  • Is there one thing where God may be inviting a deeper, better response (an act of forgiveness, more fervent prayer, an act of charity...etc) and can we make that transition instead of preferring a legalistic way of little or no accountability.

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