
Thursday, June 08, 2006

Understanding Trinity

It's not too hard to understand the Trinity (even though it might seem so!)
Indeed the whole of life is about how different parts learn to accommodate each other and live together.
I spend my life learning how to live with and love another human being (my wife) and together we have committed ourselves to sharing that unity of understanding with another three individuals.
All the time our individuality wars against this movement.
But I am beginning to understand that even though it is difficult it is definitely worthwhile
Without confronting my wanton unity, my desire to be alone, to be entire unto myself,
I will never learn to love
And certainly never learn to be what God wants me to be.
I am slowly beginning to understand
that a God who made a world and then let other share it,
that a God who poured himself completely into his Son and then let him die for other,
that a God who is abundant power and grace
and who can think of nothing more essential than sharing that with
you and me,
Maybe that God is saying something powerful me
about his insatiable drive for intimacy
and that I too can have that same drive.
In practical terms
I learn that my true fulfillment comes not in selfishness
but in self-giving
It is in giving that we receive.
That true life comes not in grasping and selfishly clawing at what ever I can get my hands on
but in dying and learning how to be selfless.
That I do not have to earn my way into all this
it is Gift
freely given and readily available.
It is all far easier and far more accessible than I would ever create for myself.

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