
Sunday, January 30, 2011

God's kindness.

Romans 2:1-16-A Sermon preached at Evensong Sunday 30th January 2011

Do you not realise that God's kindness is meant to lead you to repentance (Romans2:4)
As we come to the end of a Sunday and worship quietly
quite often we are invited to reflect
on that which separates us from God
that which is less than we want it to be
that which we want to put right.
In order that we might orient ourselves to live well
to live properly.

St Paul reminds us that God desire for us
is not one of punishment
but one of kindness, forbearance and patience
So we do not come with a sense of fear and foreboding
but rather one of confidence that, as Paul says elsewhere,
everything works together for good.

God's kindness is meant to lead you to repentance.
God's kindness invites us to live our lives differently.

So tonight:
1. Take time to bring to God any things for which you know you need forgiveness
And also to pray for insight into other areas where we may need forgiveness
but have perhaps forgotten or suppressed.
Perhaps we need to pray for insight and courage to bring our own sinfulness
to God for healing, wholeness, forgiveness!

2. We are also reminded from a number of parables which Jesus tells
that God's kindness and generosity to us
should also result in a similar generosity on our behalf.
We should forgive as we have been forgiven.
Where do you need to be forgiving?
Where has your heart been hardened towards another
and you have refused to forgive

Do you not realise that God's kindness is meant to lead you to repentance

Repentance means that we should live differently
Imagine if we went to God and asked for forgiveness
And God said NO!
But that is not what happens
We come always expecting forgiveness
and God always forgives us.

So it should be for us
Never refusing to forgive
those who seek our forgiveness.

As we sit for a few moments
We pray for God to forgive us
and know that there is nothing
that God cannot, does not and will not forgive.

Even as God is kind to us
so let us also pray for grace to be forgiving.

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