
Friday, December 30, 2011

At the name

Readings for today Sunday January 1 2012 ...which we are keeping as The Feast of the Circumcision and Naming of Jesus (but could also be New Year's Day and the Sunday After Christmas) Numbers 6:22-27, Psalm 8, Galatians 4:4-7; (also Philippians 2) Luke 2:15-21

I once pompously told some Mormons who knocked on our door
on New Years' Day that they were interrupting our celebration
(expecting them to think it was New Year's Day)
I then announced this was the feast of the Circumcison of Jesus!
(It didn't seem to bother them and their not-so-hidden agenda)
Strangely this festival does make sense
because it reminds us that
God is not just acting randomly or whimsically
the plan (which we seldom appreciate in its entirety)
is glimpsed occasionally.
By prophets, by scientists,
by ordinary people
by poets, and artists,
even by politicians and rulers.

We hold this to be a matter of faith.
Albert Einstein is oft misunderstood about his saying:
God is not playing dice with the universe.

So, although the birth of Jesus,
brings about a new phase in universal history
God is not saying
"Forget about everything that has happened"
Rather,  we see Jesus being taken to the Temple
as a sign that God still honours the ancient covenant
of circumcision.
Traditionally the name is given on this 8th day ceremony
and so the baby is named "Jesus"---God saves
(Yeshua or Joshua)
God is not scrapping everything and starting again.
God is fulfilling the promise to bring about the salvation of all people.

So today we celebrate
that God is keeping his promise to his people.

God's promise to us
Can we hear what God is promising to you and to me from the readings today:
The Lord bless you and keep you
...make his face to shine upon you
    ...and be gracious to you
........lift up his countenance on you
............and give you peace

This prayer from Numbers is God's prayer of blessing ...sometimes called the Aaronic or priestly blessing.
A prayer of great generoisty and God's care for us.

And the psalm reminds us:
When we look to the heavens and see the moon and the stars
...why should you bother about humanity.
Yet you have made us a little lower than God and crowned us with glory and honour

St Paul reminds us in his letters that though we are in the Jewish tradition yet  we (Gentiles) are not enslaved by it
...God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts....and
....we can call God, Abba.....Daddy.....
...we are not slaves .....but we are God's loved children.

Tremendously reassuring stuff

The Gospel reminds us that this all comes about
through God's faithfulness to us
through the loving faithfulness of Mary and Joseph
who received God's challenge and responded is signified by this day.

For you and me
Take time this week
to give thanks to God for the way we are blest and kept in place
...we have so much to be thankful for at this time.
to be an agent of peace, where can I act for good, can I help someone know forgiveness

Take time to look at the stars on these beautiful summer evenings (in the south)
or the crisp, sharp winters (in the north)....and to remember that God gives us all this to us to care for.....How can I better care for my environment in 2012? (Plant a New Year tree, grow some vegetables, get rid of rubbish in your local park.....)

What do you want to tell your "daddy"  Abba......speak quietly to God about your deepest hopes and fears for ..this year, your life...what's going on ...bring it to God

This is all about what God promises you and me
all because God is faithful to the promise
to bring salvation

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