Two accounts of people being healed. We often get sidetracked by the fact that the woman with "the issue of blood" as the KJV euphemistically put it is ritually unclean .
I think this was probably the least of her worries!
In different ways people come to Jesus seeking healing. Jairus comes as a man of prestige and religious standing seeking help from someone who is not socially acceptableJesus!
The woman, I think,is a destroyed person whose sense of personal worth is so low that she cannot even come and front Jesus face on.
Part of the message that Mark is communicating here is that it doesn't matter who you are
that Jesus is open to all. More than this, because he is inviting people to respond out of faith
we recognise that faith requires risk
Jairus risks his reputation the woman risks being knocked back again.
What do we risk to be challenged by the Gospel,
or have we so controlled our experience that we have taken all the risk and challenge out of it.
Faith will inevitably invite us to move out of the zone where we control everything
(because we recognise in reality that nothing is actually ours to control) THIS WEEK
Where does God invite me to trust him and him alone?
Do I have the courage to do it?
To risk my reputation/failure or what ever?
Pray to trust God alone