Readings for the 2nd Sunday of Christmas can include the following:
- Jeremiah 31:7-14 or Sirach 24:1-12 •
- Psalm 147:12-20 or Wisdom of Solomon 10:15-21 •
- Ephesians 1:3-14 •
- John 1:(1-9), 10-18
- We don't always get a 2nd Sunday after Christmas
- so our reflections about Christmas an be curtailed
- which is rather a pity because the readings for today are terrific.
- They tell us about the wonder of what God is doing
- in the birth of Jesus
- Through Jeremiah he says:
- I am bringing my people home
- those who are weeping will know true consolation
- We shall be filled with rejoicing
- and everything will be brought to a wonderful completion.
- This message is for you and me
- it is for all God's people
- All will be well, and all will be well
- and all manner of things will be well
- to quote Mother Julian of Norwich
- And St Paul reminds us that God's work in our life is not accidental
- we are chosen in Christ
- not just today
- but before the foundation of the world.
- We are called into the closest relationship with God
- like children and parents.
- This is lavished upon us.
- We are part of God's plan for abundant life
- for eternal life
- this God pledges to us
- as free gift.
- A gift fit for kings
- What often supplants this 2nd Sunday of Christmas
- is the feast of the Epiphany
- when we particularly recall the visit of the Wise Men
- The lavish gifts that they bring
- remind us that what God is giving to us
- is of great value
- it is abundant life, it is of spiritual depth;
- and it traverses the grave
- This is not very different from what we are celebrating today.
- The free gift of abundant life
- Grace upon grace
- which comes when we know Jesus.
- Our prayer today
- is the same as it was on Christmas Day
- Open yourself to the gift of God
- let this be your prayer this Christmas (and indeed every day)
- Christ I receive this gift
- Christ I want this gift
- Christ you are the gift.
- Christ I receive this gift
- Christ I want this gift
- Christ you are the gift
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